Join our Team & ‘WHY NOT US?’ Mission

Thinking about joining Rise Up Racing? You don’t need to buy coaching services to join, you can simply join the community and race with us.

Rise Up Racing is an inclusive triathlon & run club for small-town PA and USA. We are launching our mission, ‘Why not us?‘ to expand into all 67 counties of PA by 2024.

The idea of why can’t we have the the gear? The meet-ups? The group swims? The runs? The swim lessons? The bike clinics? But live in a small-town 😭? Rise Up Racing is small-town. We hear you. And we see you. Join our ‘why not us’ movement today!

How? We are aiming to build county-wide hubs across PA so that this can all be offered near you. Each hub (by county) will have its own ambassador and also be connected with local businesses & race directors with the main goal of growing and connecting. But we need your help.

We are currently looking for team ambassadors to represent their county in PA! What is a Rise Up Racing Ambassador? Someone willing to talk about Rise Up Racing, host an in-person gathering, workout, or lead a team race. Be a hype-person and be passionate about furthering sport & community in your area. Our motto is: Living in a small-town doesn’t mean you have to train alone, why not us?

Want to apply to be an ambassador to represent your county in PA? application coming soon but for now email: and we can set up a call.