April Athlete of the Month


A year ago, Bailey signed up and committed to training for her first 50 miler! After countless hours of training, tackling her first marathon and 50k, and long hours out on training runs she crossed the finish line of her first 50 miler – snagging herself a pretty snazzy and well-earned medal! It was no easy feat, but with a good support system cheering her on and her mental toughness, she made it, and this is why she was chosen for this month’s Athlete of the Month.

Here is what Bailey says: “My first 50 miler was planned a year in advance and in that time I trained by completing my first marathon, my first 50k, and several training runs that were ultra marathon length. However, nothing prepared me for the amount of sand I had to run through! The Antelope Canyon 50 miler was stunning-traversing through upper Antelope Canyon and around Horseshoe Bend. I made the first two time cutoffs with ease, but around mile 22 things began to get hard. The sand switched to scrambling over rocks and my right knee started aching. I questioned if I could make the final time cutoff. My amazing boyfriend and friends met me at several aid stations to cheer me on and that was just the motivation I needed after crying around mile 38. I crossed the finish line in 15 hours and 39 minutes, not making the 15 hour time cutoff, but still completing the race and earning my finishers medal. Finishing the race showed me that training and a great support system are vital to conquering hard things.”

*This month’s Athlete of the Month was sponsored by One Health and Wellness whose mission is to help people conquer limitations of their bodies and minds and become the best versions of themselves through hot and cold therapy. Check them out here.*